ok after a terrible experience with a nasty garden chick...
who is the nasty garden chick ME or HER is yet to
be determined ...
but i have my
after purchasing them off ebay!!
woooo hoooo !!
here is another place i checked out ....
bloomingbulb.comas i stood next to a display of forced spring bulbs in silly baskets .. garden
lady giggled at my request for bulbs & gave me a silly you
you can't do that blah blah blah without even asking what my plans were..
i told her
" well you are of no help to me ..."
what the hell she just shot me down with no questions so i slowly turned & continued to look as she yammered on
" blah blah blah you can't do that yada yada i you have to plant them in the fall blah
blah blah "
ok lady like i'm going outside & trying to dig through the snow into the frozen ground
& plant bulbs !!!
i can't believe she thought i was that stupid
" i want to force bulbs ..inside ... in containers "
do you have prechilled bulbs or what????
apparently a bitchy response according to my husband who
immediately whispered to me " your being rude " & wanted to leave
after i responded ...
i thought
she was being totally nasty & of absolutely NO help...
admittingly i shouldn't have responded that way ...
bad me..
but i really can't stand that kind of attitude ..
i politely ask YOU.. the professional.. a question & that is your response??
a cold condescending giggling answer...
that just is wrong on waaay to many levels..
.. ask me what i am needing them for..
... is it too much to ask? just a little bit of kindness..
look me in the eye & answer me.. if i am off my stinking rocker fine
but don't be a bitch... help me come up with a better plan ..
this has been quite typical to this state...
i wonder when anyone here will just toss us a frickin' bone my god!
so i of course turned to the internet & found EXACTLY what i was looking for...
simple... no BS
i love the internet